Development of Technologies Important for Creation and Commercialization of Transgenic HLB Resistant Citrus

Development of Technologies Important for Creation and Commercialization of Transgenic HLB Resistant Citrus

Report Date: 12/03/2015
Project: 749   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Yi Li
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The main accomplishments during this quarter: We continued testing the effect of the K gene on transformation efficiency of a lemon cultivar. In general, lemon cutilvars are difficult to be genetically transformed. We have observed the K gene can drastically improve the transformation efficiency of the lemon cultivar used, similar to the effects of the K gene on the other orange cultivars tested. We continued to repeat the effects of K and I genes on transformation efficiency of mature citrus explants of mature �Pineapple� orange. The effects of the K and I genes have been confirmed. We have also tested effects of a non-conventional regulator of gene expression on regeneration efficiency of �Washington� navel orange and Valencia orange. We observed several fold increases in shoot regeneration efficiencies of both cultivars. Our goal is to use this regulator and also its combination with the K gene to improve transformation efficiencies of of both juvenile and mature citrus tissues One manuscript reporting the drastically improvement of several citrus cultivars has been submitted in the end of August. We have started to write the second manuscript from the project.

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