Industry Research Coordination Committee

Committee Login

Industry Research Coordination Committee

The Industry Research Coordinating Committee is responsible for recommending the research priorities for the Florida citrus industry to the Board that are outside the scope of work of the Research Management Committee. This committee focuses efforts on threats or opportunities for all elements of the industry that fall within its scope. The IRCC performs a bi-annual GAP analysis and, working with all elements of the Florida citrus industry, establishes research priorities that fall within its scope.

The committee includes at least one (1) Category 1 member of the CRDF Board as well as twelve (12) non-Board members which are appointed by the Board of the Foundation upon the recommendation of Florida Citrus Production Managers Association (as to 3 members), Florida Citrus Processors (as to 3 members), Florida Citrus Packers (as to 2 members), DOC Harvesting Committee (as to 2 members), Florida Citrus Commission (as to 1 member), Florida Citrus Mutual (as to 1 member) and Florida Nursery Grower’s Association, Citrus Nursery Division (as to 1 member). The non-Board members may vote on matters coming before the Industry Research Coordinating Committee but shall not be entitled to vote on matters coming before the CRDF Board of Directors.

The non-Board members shall serve terms of three (3) years and such terms shall be staggered so that the terms of four (4) non-Board members shall expire each year.


  • Rob Atchley, Chairman


  • Dave Crumbly
  • Kevin Gaffney
  • Paul M. Genke
  • V. C. Hollingsworth III
  • Frank Hunt III
  • Weston Johnson
  • Thomas F. (Tom) Kirschner
  • Phillip Rucks
  • Mitchell T. (Mitch) Willis