Post-Approval Management

Post-Approval Management

Upon approval of a project for support by CRDF, the Foundation’s goal is to complete the award process as quickly as possible to facilitate getting the project up and running. Timely communication and responsiveness to requests for revisions to project scope and/or budget will enhance the completion of the award process.


Intellectual Property (IP) resulting from research will be the property of the individual, institution, or corporation receiving the award. However, the Foundation will participate in licensing decisions and/or be granted non-exclusive rights to that IP for use in the Florida market. The Foundation must be notified in advance if formal lP protection will be sought. Awardees seeking to commercialize intellectual property will greatly benefit from a development partnership with CRDF. Applicants are responsible for compliance with all applicable government regulations and permits during performance of their research.
Communication and close collaboration with the Foundation staff is encouraged to quickly develop and commercialize promising disease interventions. Communication to is the most efficient mechanism to initiate this conversation.


Project progress on CRDF-funded projects is made available to the broader research community through the website All projects supported by CRDF are required to submit a Progress Report at the end of each quarter during the life of the project and a final report that summarizes the entire project accomplishment, all of which are outlined below.

Quarterly abstract progress reports should be an executive summary that provides a non-technical abstract and summary of progress towards each objective of the project, including new developments as well as any issues that have arisen that will affect a timely outcome of your project. A field has been added to the bottom of the pdf form to report %-age of Completion, information required by CRDF’s sponsors.  Quarterly progress reports should NOT include proprietary information, as they are made available to everyone through the Progress Report Search function of the website. Link to form:


Complete all fields and save the report locally naming it with your project number, PI name and reporting period, i.e. 20-099_Smith_May2020.pdf
Email to CRDF at

Final Comprehensive Report

In addition to the final report abstract submitted on the quarterly pdf form, at the close of the project a more detailed final comprehensive report should be submitted to CRDF by email to which includes the following elements:

  • PI, Title of Project, and Duration (start and end dates)
  • Project Objectives
  • Major accomplishments per objective
  • Major shortcomings, unfinished business
  • Opportunities going forward
  • Publications from this project

The final report has no page limits and constitutes the last deliverable of the project from the PI that will allow completion of the contract and final payment.  The report will be used to evaluate accomplishment of the CRDF program goals and to evaluate the opportunity for follow-on research resulting from the project just completed.

Any questions on reporting requirements should be emailed to


Project awardees may be required to submit a revised budget, if requested by the Program Manager or Staff, for any of the following reasons:

  • when a recommendation for change to scope or budget has been made
  • if project spending is considerably underspent and PI is requested to submit a budget revision
  • a budget reallocation to provide for equipment not included in the original project budget
  • a budget reallocation in excess of the 10% provided for in the research agreement

For revisions to multiple years of the project, the Cover Page and Budget (CB-21) form should be completed in the same manner as in the original proposal, as well as a revised Budget Narrative to describe changes to the budget or scope of work. The revised budget narrative can be included in the abstract field on page one of the CB-21, or if space is limited, a Word file should be attached. Please send all revision documents to
Most budget reallocations can be accomplished using the Budget Revision Request, completing the revised budget narrative and requested total project reallocations on page 2.


The opportunity exists to apply for a one-time no-cost extension occurs when a contract period is near its end and the objectives of the project have not yet been completed. This may be due to unavoidable delays in starting the project, unforeseen complications of the project conduct, or circumstances that would lead to beneficial continuation of the project past its approved end date. A no-cost extension may be approved by CRDF, allowing the PI and institution to extend the funding period during which the project can be completed. Typically a no-cost extension will not be approved for more than 6 months, and those applying should indicate the time period of the extension that they are requesting. No-cost extensions will not be automatically approved, but considered in the context of what is best to meet project goals and will only be considered for projects which are current with progress reporting and invoicing, and has not yet reached its termination date.

The No-Cost Extension form can be downloaded from the forms menu on the Apply For Funding page. Complete only the first page with your project specifications, giving your reason for the extension request and the requested extension length. Email your completed No-Cost Extension request and budget information to Once approved, an Amendment will be sent to your institution granting the extension.

  • Submit NCE requests at least 45 days before the end date of the project.
  • An NCE will not be considered if submitted after the end date of the project.
  • To expedite the process, include a revised budget that outlines the unbilled project costs to date, as well as the budget for the period of extension being requested.
  • Consideration of approval of a NCE will include the timeliness of progress reports, unspent budget balance over project life and the expressed goal of the NCE.