This forum is for growers to help each other grow more and better citrus. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation, Inc., or any other agency, organization, employer or company.
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For complete guidelines and FAQs, please see below.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will CRDF moderate, edit or delete comments?
CRDF reserves the right to moderate comments for length, but otherwise will not moderate or edit comments. However, it reserves the right to delete comments or not publish them at all.
I don’t think my comment violates the guidelines, but I still don’t see it posted. Why?
We have a thin staff which may result in a delay in posting your comment even if we deem it satisfactory for publication. If you haven’t seen it in a few days, give us a call and we’ll run it down.
What else should I know?
We want you to know that CRDF is listening, so CRDF staff may interact with commenters.