2019-12_18-052C – Sustainable Management of Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and Citrus Production

Sustainable Management of Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and Citrus Production

Report Date: 02/03/2020
Project: 18-052C   Year: 2019
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Jawwad Qureshi
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation, Inc.

This project evaluates ACP control using various combinations of conventional and organic insecticides and biological control agents. Four Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs include 1) conventional and organic insecticides plus biological control 2) organic insecticides and Horticultural Mineral Oil (HMO) plus biological control, 3) conventional insecticides plus biological control, and 4) HMO plus biological control. Program 5 is based on biological control only. Populations of Asian citrus psyllid and predators were monitored using tap sampling and suction sampling methods. Tap sampling was conducted twice a month for a total of 6 times and 2,160 tap samples to detect ACP and predators. ACP populations were very low across all programs averaging below 0.1 adults per tap sample. Shoot infestation averaged 2-4% across all programs from a sample of 300-400 shoots available from each program. A total of 24,000 Tamarixia radiata were released across all programs. A cohort study to evaluate contribution of natural mortality factors in suppression of psyllid population in all programs was conducted in November and data being analyzed. Lacewings and spiders were common predators. Ceraeochrysa cubana was dominant species, 76-82% of all lacewings collected from any program. Considering that psyllids averaged below treatment threshold of 0.1 adult per tap sample across all programs, no sprays were conducted except dormant season spray. The dormant sprays which do not require a treatment threshold were applied in Programs 1-4 in December. Imidan was sprayed in programs 1 and 3, Pyganic + 435 oil in program 2 and 435 oil only in program 4.

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