The objectives of this study are to identify optimal pH range for root function and minimize root turnover on HLB-affected rootstocks and how uneven pH levels in the root zone (e.g. irrigated vs. row middle portions of root system) affect the overall health of the tree.� This is being done in a split root system in the greenhouse where pH of different parts of the root system can be controlled an maintained.�We are in the final stages of rhizotron construction to build enough for the experiments.� Rhizotron construction was slightly delayed because of the late Valencia harvest this year for other projects combined with an unexpected loss of a staff member that will soon be replaced. The Masters student has assisted a member of Tripti Vashisth’s lab with the 2nd repetition of the experiment that created the foundation of this project to become familiar with techniques that will be important for maintaining pH and collecting data. We expect to initiate treatments before the end of May.