Citrus nutrition studies for improved survival of HLB-affected trees

Citrus nutrition studies for improved survival of HLB-affected trees

Report Date: 02/05/2017
Project: 15-023   Year: 2016
Author: Arnold Schumann
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Objective 1: Leaf nutrient thresholds Samples were collected from all of the groves in this study in the month of December for both the Ridge and Indian River groves. This quarter tree growth, leaf nutrient, and soil were taken for analysis. The leaf samples from this quarter will be added to the database of scanned leaves. The scanned leaves are in the process of being analyzed for leaf shape characteristics such as leaf perimeter, circularity, major and minor axis, and total area. The data from these measurements as well as nutrition, dry weights, and tree health measurements will be analyzed using a neural network software to try to make sense of the massive amounts of data being collected. Next quarter each tree will be sampled for qPCR and starch quantification. Objective 2: Determine soil conditions that favor root hair and VAM proliferation i. The newest batch of soil samples are in the process of lab analysis. This quarter we hope to also look at silicon contents in the soils collected. All of the samples will be sent to Waters for basic soil analysis, and will be scanned for color with the spectrometer for color analysis. We also are quantifying organic matter contents using the Loss-on-ignition method. We also will be using a flat bed scanner to take images of the soil samples across all of the groves from each tree. ii. The aeroponic cuttings at this point have not yielded any root hair response in treatments. We are currently looking at other methods for growing the cuttings that may allow better root hair growth. One of the possible reason we are not seeing any root hair development could be the constant disturbance to the roots from the spraying water may be inhibiting the root hair growth.

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