Citrus nutrition studies for improved survival of HLB-affected trees

Citrus nutrition studies for improved survival of HLB-affected trees

Report Date: 04/19/2019
Project: 15-023   Year: 2019
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Arnold Schumann
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Objective 1:� Leaf nutrient thresholds for HLB+ treesWe implemented the full Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) method for leaf nutrient analysis that provides protection from cross-correlation of variables and environmental effects. Reference nutrient data for DRIS was obtained from high-yielding ‘Hamlin’ trees growing in the Ft. Meade area prior to HLB (>700 boxes/acre average). Critical nutrient thresholds from HLB+ trees in this survey study were higher than published values for K, Cu, B; slightly higher for� Mn, Zn {Note: these are not yet recommendations}. We obtained additional leaf data from collaborating grower’s commercial grove databases in order to expand our new critical nutrient thresholds to include N, P, S, and Ca. The data that we collected during this project survey did not include enough values in the deficient range for those nutrients, which prevented us from establishing critical nutrient thresholds.The results of this research were presented at grower events: Citrus Nutrition Day, Bartow; Citrus School, Arcadia; Citrus Institute, Avon Park, and published in the April 2019 Citrus Industry magazine.�� Objective 2: Determine soil conditions that favor root hair and VAM proliferationBased on good results with healthy Carrizo rootstock trees grown hydroponically, we set up a final experiment where infected psyllids were allowed to inoculate some replications of the experiment with CLas. This treatment serves to monitor the impacts and interaction of HLB and nutrient solution treatment, as measured in root hair growth (until about May 2019). The final report will be completed in June. A paper on this research will be presented at the FSHS conference in June.�

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