Citrus preharvest drop related to HLB disease � Nature and control

Citrus preharvest drop related to HLB disease � Nature and control

Report Date: 11/10/2015
Project: 809   Year: 2015
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The last application of low concentrations (1/4 rate) of Citrus Fix (2, 4-D) and MaxCel (Cytokinin) with or without ProGibb (GA) every 45 days to Hamlin and Valencia tree canopies in central Florida for the 2015-16 growing season are completed. One of the two sites will end this year as the grower has chosen to discontinue production inputs at this site. A second test of applications GA to roots of nursery trees infected with HLB was started and two 4 week cycles will be completed about November 1st. The trees had been infected in a hot psyllid greenhouse. GA stimulated root growth on healthy trees, now we can determine if it can stimulate root growth on infected plants.

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