The contract executed between CRAFT and CRDF was effective March 18, 2021, however work began on Cycle II projects beginning in July 2020 and deliverables executed during that period will be reported herein. CRAFT PARTICIPATION APPLICATION PROCESS: The CRAFT Technical Working Group, USDA/ARS and CRAFT staff were all involved with preparing the CRAFT application content for the Cycle II online application experience. The application period was open to Florida citrus growers from July 20-September 4, 2020. CRAFT received 86 applications representing 4,411 acres, including 3,014 acres for solid set plantings and 1,397 acres for reset plantings. The geographic distribution represented 11 counties and all citrus-producing regions in Florida. PROJECT SELECTION & DEVELOPMENT:After review of all projects submitted, it was determined by the Technical Working Group based on fulfillment of minimum requirements and scientific merit that 63 of the projects would be recommended for further development of experimental designs while the remaining 23 would be placed on a waitlist for future consideration dependent on funding availability. Following final consideration and review by the Board of Directors, a total of 59 projects were approved. Based upon the projects presented, grower participants were organized within subgroups of similar projects (for purposes of replication) and assigned a group leader to help develop the project design. The groups are as follows:1. Rootstock/Scion2. Soil/Tree Fertility3. Pest Management4. Biostimulants5. ResetsAll approved grower contracts for inclusion in Cycle II are included in Attachment 1. The project designs for each contract are also available upon request. As of June 30, 2021, 59 applications representing 2,636 acres have been approved by the CRAFT Board of Directors, finalized contracts and are pending planting. Following completion of planting, pre-audits of each project are used to confirm the planting of trees and compliance with contract to date. Growers are expected to report production data in real time or at least quarterly in to the USDA-CRAFT Data Portal. The data portal will include a separate entry point for data/ measurements from third party partners such as FDACS/DPI and Aerobotics. Data entered by participants and third parties for each project will be visible initially by the growers for their individual projects. In addition to execution of contracts and commencement of projects, CRAFT staff continued communications and outreach efforts including, articles in multiple industry and general publications; updating of the CRAFT website (; public meetings of the Technical Working Group and Board of Directors; and more. A full list of communications efforts is available upon request.