1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:
The online application window for CRAFT Cycle Four opened in October 2022 and closed December 31, 2022. CRAFT received 130 applications representing more than 6,300 acres of potential new Florida citrus plantings. Solid set proposals accounted for 2,561 acres and reset proposals accounted for 3,747 acres. The geographic distribution represented 13 counties and all citrus-producing regions in Florida. Projects focusing on oranges, grapefruit, hybrid and others were all proposed.
Following a staff review for eligibility, the CRAFT Technical Working Group began review and development of all proposals. Proposals were assigned to subgroups of similar projects and assigned a group leader to assist in the development of project design.
As of March 22, 2023 five projects have been withdrawn, 69 have been fully developed and 56 have been contacted and are in progress. The Technical Working Group continues to work with applicants to complete the development and review process.
2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:
The Technical Working Group will finalize the development and review of all Cycle Four proposals within the next quarter and will present a final slate of recommended projects and waitlist to the Board of Directors for consideration. Following Board approval, CRAFT staff will draft participant contracts which will be finalized prior to the June 30, 2023 deadline.
Upon execution of participant contracts those projects which have completed planting will undergo a pre-audit by CRAFT contractors to ensure compliance with established protocols and agreements. Additionally, CRAFT-USDA Data Portal access will be established for each participant to allow for entry of project production data.
3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):
As of March 31, 2023 no funds have been spent. Invoices will be submitted by CRAFT to CRDF following approval of projects and execution of participant contracts.