1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective 1. Investigate effects of rootstock propagation method and the interaction with rootstock on root structure, root growth, and tree performance during the first 3 years of growth in the field.Bimonthly root growth measurements with the minirhizotron imaging system continued in all trials. Trials 2 and 3 third-year tree size data collection was completed. Fruit quality analysis was completed for trial 3. We are working on completing the analysis of the year 3 data of trials 2 and 3 to be included in a publication of all three years of data. A Citrus Industry Magazine article sumarizing findings of this project was published (July issue). A virtual seminar was presented on June 21 that included information on this project. Objective 2. Investigate if trees on rootstocks propagated by tissue culture or cuttings differ in susceptibility to Phytophthora-induced decline or wind-induced blow-over compared with trees on rootstocks propagated by seed.Monthly root growth measurements with the rhizotron imaging system continued. We are still working on the PCR and ELISA assays. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: We will continue with our minirhizotron root imaging analysis and. We will continue with the statistical analysis and interpretation of all data collected. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Approximately 67% of funds have been spent, which is somewhat underspent due to Covid-19 related complications that affected research, travel, and hiring of personnel.