1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: This report is for the 4th quarter of year 2 of Project 21-002C – Continued Support for the Southern Gardens Diagnostic Laboratory. This project provides HLB testing for researchers, growers and homeowners. A total of 10,058 samples were run during the quarter. All samples were plant samples, mostly from research trials. To date, a total of 59,664 samples have been run for the 8 quarters that have been funded to date. This is slightly overthe budgeted amount of 57,500 samples through 7 quarters. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: This is the final report for the currently funded project. However, the lab will continue to operate on a year by year basis at the discretion of the CRDF board 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): A total of 59,664 samples were run for the two year period. This is 2,164 samples higher than the budgeted amount. As has been done in the past, we will bill CRDF for the cost of the expendibles for the overage. The labor and overhead will remain unchanged.