Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 01/12/2016
Project: 15-042   Year: 2015
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goal of the proposed study is to characterize the effect of using endophytic microbes in controlling HLB. Our hypothesis is the outcome of the interaction among Las, psyllid and citrus is affected by the citrus phytobiome. In order to achieve the goal of this study, the following objectives will be conducted: Objective 1. To characterize the phytobiomes and endophytic microbes from HLB survivor trees and HLB diseased trees. Three healthy and three HLB infected trees were selected for phytobiome analysis from Gapway grove based on the Las QPCR detection results. The microorganisms collected from this experiment were classified as three types: rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere communities. Rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere DNA and RNA preparation was done using powersoil RNA extraction kit. The DNA and RNA samples were sequenced. Around 10 Gb clean reads data was generated per metagenome sample. Analysis of the metagenomic data is ongoing. Objective 2. To illustrate whether the endophytic microbes from survivor trees could efficiently manage citrus HLB. We have begun to test different grafting methods of roots. We are also in the process of isolating endophytic microbes associated with survivor trees.

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