Cover crops and nematicides: comprehensive nematode IPM across the grove landscape

Cover crops and nematicides: comprehensive nematode IPM across the grove landscape

Report Date: 05/26/2022
Project: 18-036C   Year: 2022
Category: Other
Author: Larry Duncan
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The effect of six nematicide treatments on tree size and fruit yield was described in the previous report (4/02/2022).  Here we describe the effects of 3 annual applications of aldicarb on trees at a second grove (Avon Park site) that was havested on April 4, 2022.  After 3 years of treatment, we found no significant effects of the aldicarb on trunk girth (2943 vs 2971 cm2, untreated vs treated), tree height (4.97 vs 4.96 ft.), or cumulative fruit drop measured on 4 occassions (48.7 vs 45.2 fruit).  Aldicarb-treated trees had 16% greater weight of harvested fruit per tree (3.8 vs. 4.4 lbs, untreated vs treated), but the results were not significant (P=0.63; r2=0.0%).  The most notable aspect of this 3rd trial year was the virtual absense of fruit production – fewer than 9 boxes per acre. Both groves, this and that with the multiple nematicide trial, are noteworthy for their low amount of fruit production. The manager of this grove has agreed to pull some of the trees to determine if nematode damage is evident on roots deep in the soil, which might account for the poor tree performance despite the absence of nematodes in soil samples taken to a depth of 12 inches. This project is operating on a no-cost-extension to allow harvest data to be reported.  An overview, final report of the project will be submitted in June.  A manuscript summarizing the results of the trial is also being prepared.  

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