Create citrus varieties resistant or tolerant to Huanglongbing through transgenic and nontransgenic approaches

Create citrus varieties resistant or tolerant to Huanglongbing through transgenic and nontransgenic approaches

Report Date: 07/28/2016
Project: 15-020   Year: 2016
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Zhonglin Mou
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The project has three objectives: (1) Confirm HLB resistance/tolerance in transgenic citrus lines. (2) Determine the chimerism of the HLB-resistant/tolerant transgenic lines. (3) Confirm HLB resistance in citrus putative mutants (nontransgenic lines). For objective 1, we have been working on five transgenic lines (HAM 13-3, HAM 13-29, and DUN 57-25, DUN 205-25c, and DUN 207-8) that exhibit tolerance to HLB. HAM 13-3: we had some difficulty with propagation of this particular line. We have repeated the propagation and are waiting for the progenies to become old enough for HLB test. HAM 13-29: we have generated 21 progenies. After HLB inoculation, 11 of these plants have no HLB symptoms and others exhibited mild symptoms. DUN 57-25: four progenies have been made and tested. Three plants have no HLB symptoms and one plant was crappy and discarded. We are continuing propagating this line. DUN 205-25c: this transgenic plant became dark green and the leaves are thick and extremely curly. We are propagating this plant. DUN 207-8: eight progenies have been generated. These plants have been inoculated with HLB. For objective 2, we confirmed the chimerism of the transgenic plants using real-time quantitative PCR. Results showed that HAM 13-3, HAM 13-29, DUN 57-25, DUN 205-25c, and DUN 207-8 are homogeneous (not chimeric). For objective 3, three �Ray Ruby� grapefruit putative mutants (#3, #6, and #93) showed tolerance to HLB. Seven, 10, and 10 progenies were generated for mutant line 3, line 16, and line 93, respectively. The progenies were tested for HLB resistance/tolerance. Unfortunately, none of these mutated plants exhibited resistance/tolerance to HLB.

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