The project has three objectives: (1) Obtain mature tissues of the best transgenic lines. (2) Determine whether transgenics prevent psyllids from being infected. (3) Continue testing generations of vegetative propagation from the best transgenic lines. The following work has been conducted in this quarter: (1) Analyzed transgene expression in 30 independent rootstock transgenic lines and identified lines expressing high levels of the transgene. Accumulation of the transgene product (protein) will be tested in the coming quarter. Lines accumulating the highest levels of protein will be selected for further usage. (2) More propagation has been made for the HLB-tolerant trangenic line that has flowered. The progenies are growing. For the lines that have not flowered, we reinoculated the plants with CTV carrying the flower-promoting gene FT3. (3) Another cage experiment for testing if transgenics prevent psyllids from being infected has been set up and results will be obtained in the coming quarter. (4) Transgenic lines with low numbers of progenies have been propagated. More progeny plants are growing and will be tested when they are ready.