Use of RNAi delivered by Citrus Tristeza Virus Viral Vector to control the Asian Citrus Psyllid � 2019 First Quarter Report1. In February, sentinel trees were tested using ELISA to detect the presence of CTV and gel electrophoresis and rtPCR to detect the presence and stability of CTVvv-RNAi.2. A repetition the experiment began in early March and will continue for a period of five weeks. The protocol established is as follows:a. Selected trees were scouted for flush or pruned to induce flushing.b. Areas of flush were bagged and inoculated with 20 parent ACP.c. Parent ACP were removed from bagged flush after two weeks.d. First generation ACP were counted two weeks after removal of parent ACP.e. The presence of native ACP life stages also documented.3. Aphid scouting continues on a biweekly basis. The presence of brown aphid has not been detected.