CTV-T36 vector as a tool to induce efficient flowering in citrus seedlings

CTV-T36 vector as a tool to induce efficient flowering in citrus seedlings

Report Date: 08/26/2022
Project: 21-014   Year: 2022
Category: Other
Author: Choaa El Mohtar
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:

Year-1 Generate CTV infectious clones that express different FT3s or downregulate negative regulators of flowering to inoculate into Citrus macrophylla. Prepare different citrus genotypes for inoculation with the generated CTV vectors.

Our focus in the 2nd quarter of this project was to infect citrus with the CTV vectors generated in the first quarter and grow transgenic rootstocks to enable experiment set ups.

We were able to infect citrus with CTV vectors expressing FT3 of Hamlin sweet orange and Citrus clementina. In addition, the CTV RNAi vectors targeting different silencing suppressors also successfully infected citrus. We are monitoring the different vectors for their ability to induce flowering in citrus.
In addition, we were able to root different transgenic lines expressing Citrus clemetina FT3. These lines are growing in our growth chambers. Upon reaching the proper size, the transgenic plants will be topped with different citrus genotypes and infected with CTV RNAi vectors targeting the different flowering suppressors independently. The transgenic FT3 carrizo lines rooted did not yet flower under the growth chamber conditions.

2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:

In the 3rd quarter, we will monitor the different FT3 vectors for there ability to induce flowering in Citrus macrophylla and the stability of the different inserts within the CTV vector. We will monitor the rooted transgenic plants for flowering.

3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):

On budget

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