1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Year-1 Generate CTV infectious clones that express different FT3s or downregulate negative regulators of flowering to inoculate into Citrus macrophylla. Prepare different citrus genotypes for inoculation with the generated CTV vectors. Our focus in the 3rd and 4th quarter of this project was to monitor flowering in the Citrus macrophylla genotypes infected with the different CTV-FT3 (Arabidopsis and Hamlin FT3 (Hamlin FT3 had a consensus sequence and two variants as revealed by sequencing) constructs and CTV-RNAi (supposedly suppress negative regulators of flowering). Hamlin CTV-FT3 consensus sequence constructs did not induce flowering in C. macrophylla. On the contrary, the two Hamlin FT3 variants induced early flowering in Citrus macrophylla. All CTV-RNAi constructs targeting downregulating the expression of negative regulators of flowering failed to induce early flowering. CTV constructs expressing Arabidopsis FT3 failed to induce flowering in infected Citrus macrophylla. This prompted us to test the stability of Arabidopsis FT3 in the CTV vector via Revere transcription polymerase chain reaction with primers upstream and downstream of the the insertion site. The size of the RT-PCR product was slightly smaller than the plasmid PCR product. This suggested minor recombination that was confirmed by sequencing that revealed a 76 nts deletion in the sequence. The transgenic FT3 Carrizo lines rooted have not yet flowered under our growth chamber conditions and are not yet big enough to top them with other citrus genotype. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: In the 5th quarter, we will reinfect citrus with the CTV-FT3 vectors that failed to flower to make sure of the result. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): On budget