CTV-T36 vector as a tool to induce efficient flowering in citrus seedlings

CTV-T36 vector as a tool to induce efficient flowering in citrus seedlings

Report Date: 05/03/2023
Project: 21-014   Year: 2023
Category: Other
Author: Choaa EL Mohtar
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Induce efficient flowering in citrus seedlings by overexpressing FT3 and knocking out negative regulators of flowering.  During this quarter we confirmed that plants simultaneously grafted from the last quarter with budwoods from mother plants infected with CTV vectors that overexpress FT3 and knockout negative regulators of flowering or manipulate citrus microRNA involved in flowering were ELISA positive for CTV. To confirm mixed infection, we ran RT-PCR molecular analysis assays with primers within CTV upstream and downstream the insertion sites. It revealed that most plants are singly infected rather than having mixed infection.Further, the transgenic FT3 Carrizo lines rooted were repotted and moved from the controlled condition growth chamber to the screen house to induce better growth. More than one year after rooting, the FT3 transgenic plants did not yet flower under our growth chamber conditions.    2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: During the next quarter we will be working on repeating the mixed infections of the CTV vector overexpressing FT3 and manipulating negative regulators of flowering into the same host to induce more efficient flowering. Further, we will be working on generating new CTV vectors that we predict will be more efficient inducers of flowering.    3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):  on budget  

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