1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The objectives of this project are: 1, To study the effect of Brs on priming immunity on young, newly planted trees. This will allow to know for how long immune response will last after Br application, so we can adjust timing (number of applications). We have continued treatments and samplings. After 8 months (with a monthly application), most of the trees (around 60%) are still HLB-negative. Denser foliage has consolidated in a denser canopy. Fall flush was highly syncronized, following the trend we observed during Summer flush. 90% of the trees treated with Brs achjieved fully expanded leaf status at the same time. This happened only in 20% of non-treated trees. This indicates that flushing occurred at the same time in Br-treated trees, and will allow better planification of insecticide sprays. 2, To determine the best time of application (frequency) to achieve maximum protection against pests and disease in newly planted trees. Immunity is still greatly increased after 45d of treatment. We have now started plots applying Brs every 45d or 60d. We will monitor the same parameters, icluding Ct values and tree health. 3, To determine the effect of Br application on advancing fruit maturation in both Valencia and Hamlin. Treatments started in September on Hamlin. We performed two different sets of treatments: biweekly treatment and only once treatment. We are following quality every 15 days, including internal quality and external color development. So far, it is remarkable that internal maturation and quality are in general superior than last year. At the beginning of the treatments, control fruit was already at 9.38 Brix. This value was about 8.2 last season. So far we do not see a significant increase in Brix with Br treatment. This is coincident with what we saw last year, as differences started to be significant in November.Values for early November are 9 for control and 9.43 for Br-treated. However, ratio is greatly increased, 13.32 in Br-treated as compared to 11.5 in controls. External color is also increased. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:For objectives 1 and 2 we are continuing sampling and molecular analysis.In objective 3, treatments in mature Hamlin trees are already running. We will be harvesting fruit in December-January, depending on the commercial farm schedule. Last season, harvesting was performed by January 5th. We will determine yield and fruit quality. We will start treatnments in Valencia in early January.For objectives 1 and 2 we will continue treatments, samplings and molecular analysis to determine the best timing for treatments to achieve the most protection against psyllid infestation. For objective 3, we will start in August treatments on Hamlin. We will also continue analyzing juice samples from Hamlin and start analysis on juice samples from Valencia. We have included also an injection treatment of Brs in trees, This was not in the proposal, but we believe it may have interest. We have started in October. We will be injecting once per month until harvest and measuring the same parameters as in objectives 1, 2 and 3. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Spending is on track