Developing a culture medium for Liberibacter asiaticus through comparative multi-omics analysis with its closest cultured relative, L. crescens

Developing a culture medium for Liberibacter asiaticus through comparative multi-omics analysis with its closest cultured relative, L. crescens

Report Date: 10/16/2015
Project: 15-027   Year: 2015
Category: CLas Bacteria
Author: Eric Triplett
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

A Ca. L. asiaticus medium, AM, was proposed based on the components of a defined medium for L. crescens plus the addition of some compounds found on the phloem biochemical composition of citrus. So far, we have developed 5 modifications to AM, being AM2 the most promising one. Different inoculations procedures have been done using either a mix of psyllids guts or spin guts supernatant into the different media. Traditional PCR results indicated the presence of L. asiaticus inoculum in the cultures after three weeks; however, not turbidity associated with growth has been seen to date. We are currently exploring different possibilities such as qPCR and sequencing to verify that L. asiaticus is actually growing in the media. With collaboration of Dr. Killiny�s lab, we are currently analyzing other important components within the phloem sap of citrus to be added to AM2. We expect to propose new formulations based on this information.

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