Development of Supersour and Other Promising Rootstocks for Florida

Development of Supersour and Other Promising Rootstocks for Florida

Report Date: 04/15/2018
Project: 15-002   Year: 2018
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Kim Bowman
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Highest priority is being placed on advanced stage work to develop hybrid rootstocks that can be made available for release to growers in the next two years, especially selections from the SuperSour project. Based on outstanding performance in field trials, three Supersour rootstocks will be released in 2018, tentatively identified as US SuperSour 1, 2, and 3. I am working with FDACS-DPI to get clean plant material of these rootstocks to nurseries now, to ensure that trees will be available to growers soon after release. During the quarter, performance data was collected from established field trials, including crop size, fruit quality, tree size, health, and infection status by qPCR. New information on rootstocks and field performance was presented to growers at the Florida Citrus Show in January and the Peace River Packers Field Day on March 7. A summary of performance from one of the trials is given below. Trees in the USHRL nursery are being prepared for planting three additional field trials with the most promising SuperSour rootstocks later in 2018. Additional information is available on the USDA rootstock breeding project, on request.

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