Directed research – Evaluation of different trunk injection devices and oxytetracycline formulations for efficacy against HLB, phytotoxicity, and feasibility

Directed research – Evaluation of different trunk injection devices and oxytetracycline formulations for efficacy against HLB, phytotoxicity, and feasibility

Report Date: 04/14/2023
Project: 22-001   Year: 2023
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Ute Albrecht
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:  Objectives: 1) Test the efficacy of different injection devices, 2) Determine the most effective formulation of OTC, 3) Determine the best month of injection and most appropriate OTC concentration based on tree size.  Trial 1: Located in SW Florida (Duda) – 8-year-old Valencia/Carrizo trees.     Trees were harvested and fuit were collected to determine fruit quality. Trial 4: Located on the east coast (Graves Bros) – 4-year-old Valencia/x639 trees.   Trees were harvested and fuit were collected to determine fruit quality. Trial 5: Located on the central ridge (King Ranch) – 4-year-old OLL-8/x639 trees.     Trees were harvested  and fruit were collected to determine fruit quality. Information on trunk injection and results from ongoing trials were presented in several in-person extension seminars,    including in SW Florida, in Highlands County, and in Orange & Lake County in collaboration with extension agents. A UF/IFAS OTC trunk injection and muriatic acid informational sheet was developed.  2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:  Trial 2: Located in SW Florida (Graves Bros) – 8-year-old Valencia/Kuharske trees.     Trees will be harvested  and fuit will be collected to determine fruit quality.  Trial 3: Located on the east coast (Graves Bros) – 9 year-old Valencia/sour orange trees.     Trees will be harvested and fuit will be collected to determine fruit quality. Year 2 injections will  be performed. Tree health will be monitored. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): The budget is slightly underspent as we are still harvesting and preparing fruit samples for shipment to the USDA National Science Lab in Gastonia, NC, for OTC residue analysis, which wil be a considerable cost. The fruit quality analysis from two trials is also still pending as harvest will take place in April.   

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