Dyed kaolin to repel Asian citrus psyllid in field conditions

Dyed kaolin to repel Asian citrus psyllid in field conditions

Report Date: 06/20/2019
Project: 16-020C   Year: 2019
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Christopher Vincent
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The long term field trial continues with weekly psyllid counts and quarterly CLas infection testing. Treatments continue to have similar effects on ACP counts. Plants in both of the kaolin treatments continue to show higher growth rates than the other two treatments. The red treatment has the highest growth rate, trunk cross-sectional area, and canopy volume. Kaolin treated trees that are infected grow more than untreated-infected trees, but less than treated uninfected trees. The field trial will continue until the project ends, when we expect to have the first economic yield. We are now performing follow-up repetitions of the MS student’s thesis work. We anticipate publication submission of this work in the Fall. 

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