Enhancement of postbloom fruit drop control measures

Enhancement of postbloom fruit drop control measures

Report Date: 05/10/2016
Project: 16-010C   Year: 2016
Category: Other
Author: Megan Dewdney
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

April 2016 The objectives for this proposal are1) Conduct ground and aerial applications of fungicides to determine the efficacy and economics of fungicide treatments; 2) Determine if Luna Sensation has enough systemic activity to protect flowers from before they fully develop and open; 3) Determine if the period flowering of trees affected by huanglongbing can be narrowed to eliminate the offseason bloom that contributes to the PFD inoculum increase in groves. The project officially started March 1st, 2016 but site selection and plot layout was initiated prior to the start of the project because PFD was beginning to affect the blocks we were planning to use. Four trials were initiated. They were in the Ona, Polk City, and Fort Meade areas. Four weekly applications were made in March by air and ground in Ona. Two applications were made in Polk City as that only was predicted to be needed by the PFD-FAD prediction system prior to the flowering period finishing. Three applications were made in Fort Meade where the bloom was more attenuated than Polk City. It is too early to start taking disease data yet and so no economic analysis has begun. The field trials for the plant growth regulators are in the planning stage.

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