Enhancing Genetic Transformation Efficiency of Mature Citrus

Enhancing Genetic Transformation Efficiency of Mature Citrus

Report Date: 10/15/2016
Project: 16-001   Year: 2016
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Yi Li
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

During the reporting time period, we were in the process of hiring a scientist to work on project. Meanwhile, we have made following progresses for the proposed objectives: We analyzed and identified the gene sequences required for the projects and designed all proposed gene constructs. Most of these gene cassettes are currently under construction, with some being finished soon. These constructs will be used in citrus transformation to test their effects in promoting mature citrus transformation. We have also been evaluating the effects of a hormone related gene in improving micro-grafting efficiency using tobacco as a quick testing model plant. Our results demonstrate that the expression of that particular hormone related gene in rootstock plants can improve scion grafting success rate, reduce rootstock’s lateral bud release, and enhance rootstock’s root initiation. We will soon ship this gene to Dr. Janice Zale of the Mature Citrus Facility at the University of Florida for them to test its effects on citrus.

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