During this reporting period, we have been tested the effectiveness of the gene that can reduce chimeras of mutant and wild-type plants of citrus using mature and juvenal tissues as explants. The gene can be useful when Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of the Cas9 and sgRNA are used to produce transgene free edited plants. The results from the first set of testing experiment will be available in two weeks. We continue to repeat some previously observed results using the proposed genes and also chemicals we have identified. We have observed some shoots regenerated from calli derived from mature tissues of citrus. We are also using fresh young shoot tissues propagated from mature citrus shoots for regeneration and transformation studies. We have also started �in-planta� transformation of mature citrus shoots. We have worked with Mr. Phillip Rucks and Ms. Beth Lamb ( Phillip Rucks Citrus Nursery in Frostproof, FL) who have kindly provided us significant amounts of mature citrus shoots for our experiments so that we can work on development of an �in-planta� transformation method for mature citrus tissues. We have shown that we can use in-planta transform method to transform juvenile tissues of citrus.