Establishment of Citrus Health Management Areas (CHMAs)

Establishment of Citrus Health Management Areas (CHMAs)

Report Date: 07/19/2015
Project: 446   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Michael Rogers
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Report for period ending 12/31/14 Activities of the CHMA program assistant (9/30/14-12/31/14): During this reporting period, the CHMA assistant provided support to the CHMA program by attending various local CHMA meetings as well as statewide and multi state meetings. Specifically, Mr. Page attended 12 meetings including the following: FFA Meeting (7/2-7/3), American Sociey for Horticultural Sciences meeting (7/25-7/29), Small farms Conference (8/1-8/2), Citrus Expo (8/12-8/14), Gulf CHMA meeting (8/28/14), Grower meeting in Sebring (9/3/14), Hardee CHMA meeting (9/5/14), meeting with county agents (9/12/14), county agent Oj break (9/24/14), Landscape tradeshow (9/25-9/26), FDACS CHMA planning meeting (9/29/14), Hardee county CHMA roundtable (9/30/14). In addition to attending meetings, Mr. Page continued to spend time working with CHMA captains and other interested growers on a daily basis identifying trouble areas, planning programs, and updating website information. Mr. Page also worte an article for Citrus Industry Magazine to update growers on the success of CHMAs statewide and also began working with the new UF/IFAS Citrus Extension Economist to gather data from the CHMA program to conduct an economic analysis of the benefits of CHMA participation.

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