Evaluating sustainability of yield and fruit quality of sweet oranges with use of controlled release fertilizer and micronutrients

Evaluating sustainability of yield and fruit quality of sweet oranges with use of controlled release fertilizer and micronutrients

Report Date: 06/26/2019
Project: 18-061C   Year: 2019
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Tript Vashisth
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project is an continuation of an objective of existing CRDF funded project (# 00124558 ; ended in March 2019) with some added treatments to be evaluated. The added treatments are:1.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn 50%2.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn 50%3.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Fe 50%4.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ B 50%5.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Zn 20%6.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Fe 20%7.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +Fe 20%8.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +B  20%9.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Fe + B 20%10.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Zn 50%11.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Fe 50%12.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +Fe 50%13.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +B  50%14.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Fe + B 50% The treatment for objective 3: 1.CRF + Foliar Micronutrients + Tiger 90; 2.CRF + Tiger Micronutrients These treatments have been initiated at all sites. The pretreatmentr data and first round of fertilizer application have been already made. The leaf and soil samples have been sent tout of nutrient analysis. Overally, the trees are looking good and they have a good crop loead. The trees seem uniform in symptom levels .The second application of the fertilizer will be made in late June-early July. A consumer taste panel was performed in April on 4 of the best performing treatments based on the yield.  

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