Evaluating sustainability of yield and fruit quality of sweet oranges with use of controlled release fertilizer and micronutrients

Evaluating sustainability of yield and fruit quality of sweet oranges with use of controlled release fertilizer and micronutrients

Report Date: 04/06/2020
Project: 18-061C   Year: 2020
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Tript Vashisth
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project is an continuation of an objective of existing CRDF funded project (# 00124558 ; ended in March 2019, final report submited to CRDF) with some added treatments to be evaluated in comparison to control (dry conventional fertilizer with foliar micronutrients).  Objective 1 which is the continuation of # 00124558 included 10 treatments. The added treatments from objective 21.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn 50%2.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn 50%3.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Fe 50%4.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ B 50%5.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Zn 20%6.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Fe 20%7.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +Fe 20%8.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +B  20%9.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Fe + B 20%10.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Zn 50%11.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Mn +Fe 50%12.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +Fe 50%13.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Zn +B  50%14.         CRF + Tiger Micronutrients+ Fe + B 50% The treatment for objective 3: 1.CRF + Foliar Micronutrients + Tiger 90; 2.CRF + Tiger Micronutrients Altogether currently there are 25 treatments of citrus nutrition that are being compared to control. This quater (December, January, and February) the fertilizer was applied for spring 2020. The data collection on leaf and soil nutrient analysis, canopy volume and density has been completed.The results of this trial were presented in citrus industry article, March issue, ‘No one size fits all”. The article has resulted in lot of interest among the grower community.  Currently, we are getting prepared for the harvest as well as data collection on fruit quality and size.This a fertilizer evaluation trial and the progress on it is timely and as per expectations.

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