Evaluation of citrus rootstock response to HLB in large-scale existing field trials

Evaluation of citrus rootstock response to HLB in large-scale existing field trials

Report Date: 10/09/2020
Project: 18-029C   Year: 2020
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Ute Albrecht
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective 1. Investigate rootstock effects on horticultural performance of Valencia and Hamlin trees commercially grown under HLB-endemic conditions using standardized field data collection procedures.Leaf samples were collected from all four trials for nutrient analysis. Data analysis and interpretation is in progress. Manuscripts with all data are being prepared for open-access publication. Objective 2. Develop outreach to transfer information to growers and other industry clientele.A Citrus Industry magazine article was published in the July 2020 issue for an update on the trials: https://citrusindustry.net/2020/07/08/rootstock-effects-on-valencia-and-hamlin-in-large-scale-commercial-plantings/ Another update was presented during the virtual Citrus Expo (> 380 views): “Is Bigger Ultimately Better? An update on large-scale rootstock evaluations on a ridge and flatwoods site” (U Albrecht); https://citrusexpo.net/citrus-session-1/; https://citrusindustry.net/2020/10/02/long-term-rootstock-evaluation-is-best/ A presentation was made during the American Society for Horticultural Sciences (ASHS) annual conference, which was held virtually during 10-13 Aug: “Assessing Rootstock Effects on the Horticultural Performance of `Valencia’ Orange Trees Grown Commercially in HLB Endemic Conditions” (Presenter/authors: Kunwar S, Grosser W, Albrecht U) The complete datasets from years 1-2 were provided to the UF/CREC citrus breeding team for inclusion on their citrus field trial website. The same data were also provided to CRDF.   2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: We will continue with manuscript preparation (for open-access publication of trial data). We will be preparing for fruit quality analysis and harvest of the Hamlin trials.  3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Approximately 50% of funds have been spent, which is slightly underspent because of COVID-related complications.   

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