Evaluation of citrus rootstock response to HLB in large-scale existing field trials

Evaluation of citrus rootstock response to HLB in large-scale existing field trials

Report Date: 04/01/2019
Project: 18-029C   Year: 2019
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Ute Albrecht
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Much was accomplished during the first quarter of 2019. Due to the urgency of needing data from these large-scale field trials, much effort was put into preparing for harvesting `Hamlin’ fruit in the months prior to start of funding. A statistician was consulted to advise in the selection of replicate trees for data collection. Existing field maps were modified and new worksheet were created containing unique tree identification numbers. Multiple field trips were conducted to survey trials and to label individual trees with plastic tags containing the unique identification numbers. In December 2018, we were therefore able to harvest fruit and collect yield data in a well-organized and statistically valid fashion for the `Hamlin’ Fort Basinger location (Highlands County). In January 2019, yield data were collected in the same fashion from the `Hamlin’ Lake Wales location (Polk County). Data were sent to CREC for growers’ access on the�https://citrusresearch.ifas.ufl.edu/trial-overview/ website. Two field technicians and one student were brought on board and commenced work on this project in January 2019. All personnel was trained regarding trial design, statistical design, and procedures of horticultural data collection. We have begun our horticultural assessments according to the objectives outlined in the proposal. These include tree height, canopy volume, and canopy health ratings. Due to the large scale of the trials, these measurements are taking considerable time. Considerable time is also being dedicated to accurately document and organize data for statistical analyses.� In March 2019, fruit were collected to conduct fruit quality analyses from `Valencia’ trees at both Fort Basinger and Lake Wales. Due to the high costs of fruit quality analysis and for statistical purposes, only trees on replicated rootstock cultivars were sampled and six replications per rootstock were included. Harvest of Valencia trees is scheduled for April 2019.�

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