1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The overall goal is to discover which of the seven (7) grapefruit scion and six (6) rootstock combinations planted in 41 blocks perform well under the endemic HLB disease pressure in Florida. The objectives are to 1) measure tree growth (using drone technology) and ratings of canopy thickness, yellowing, and HLB disease symptom severity, and 2) estimate fruit drop and tree yields as they come into production through preharvest fruit counts and measurement of fruit weight, size distribution and fruit quality from representative fruit samples. Work done: In November and December 2023, and January 2024 we continued with the fruit sampling for sizing and external and internal fruit quality analysis, to calculate fruit yield, plus the estimation of fruit drop by counting fruits on the tree and on the ground. Drone data collected in October was accessible in late November, which is still to be analyzed due to the volume of data to be exported. We have initial data for fruit quality and yield for the eight blocks that were confirmed as ready to harvest. Due to raining conditions in December, the Holidays and vacation time of team members, data collection has been extended into January and February 2024. We completed data collection of 75% of the blocks, and expect to finish it by early March.Preliminary data was presented to the Indian River Citrus League Board of Directors meeting on February 10th, 2024. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: Next quarter we will have another round of drone data collection, plus field measurements of tree growth and HLB symptoms based on a quadrant-evaluation rating (disease index). 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Spending generally on track – payroll was started in October with the start of field evaluations and fruit harvests and is running a little behind schedule. Expenses for half the drone measurements have been paid.