Report for period ending 6/30/14 During the period of 4/1/14 to 6/30/14, Mr. Page assisted with the daily activities associated with CRDF funded field trials. These daily activities included (but was not limited to) the following: Worked on standardization of data collection spreadsheets, set up water testing contracts, ordered supplies (soil probes, harvesting bags, etc…) for crop consultants (CC’s), talked with CC’s about trial progress, set up trial sites around the state including southwest, east coast and ridge locations, hounded CC’s for data, worked on details of new proposals, collection of picutres from field trials to add to data base whcih was setup, maintain the organization of the database, conducted rankings from trial photos received from CC’s, perfromed DI ratings, setup locations for thermal therapy trials, provided CC’s with protocols for leaf sampling for pcr, and assembled budgets for trials. Overall, Mr. Page was constantly working on a daily basis with different CC’s to ensure open lines of communication between the CC’s and the CPDC to ensure information was collected and delivered in a timely manner. Additionally, this required frequent travel to study sites around the state which during this period included a visit to trial site in Labelle (4/4/14), trip to trial site in Ft. Pierce (4/9/14), visited trial site in Balm (4/10/14), attended the CPDC meeting (4/17/14), field visit to thermal therapy trial sites with Reza Ehsani (6/18/14), photographed ridge grove site trial (6/19/14), and additional photographs of a ridge trial site (6/26/14).