The experiment was established to meet the early objectives to obtain the trees and establish the primary infections with HLB and citrus nematode. We anticipate being able to begin testing trees for HLB in June.We obtained 200 Valencia trees (100 on Swingle rootstock/100 on Carrizo RS) from the Rasnake Citrus Nursery. Trees were transplanted to soil suitable for propagating citrus nematodes (CN): a soil mix of 3 parts autoclaved sand: 1 part organic matter. The trees were allowed to acclimate to the soil mixture for one month, after which they were divided into five equal groups of 20 trees per rootstock (control and 4 treatments) and placed in outside 400-mesh screen cages, The five treatments consist of:TR1 Control (non-treated). Valencia/Swingle (20); Valencia/Carrizo (20)TR2 HLB only 20 trees per rootstock were graft graft-inoculated with HLB+ Valencia budwood from our collection of infected trees, to establish the primary HLB infection.TR3 CN only 20 trees per rootstock received inoculation with citrus nematodes (Tylenchulus semipenitrans) to establish the primary nematode infection.TR 4 HLB1+CN2 20 trees per rootstock were first grafted with HLB+ budwood and then inoculated with CN after the initial HLB inoculation.TR 5 CN1+HLB2 20 trees per rootstock received the CN inoculation first, which was then followed with HLB graftingA second nematode inoculation occurred for the treatments receiving CN to increase the nematode titer.