Identification of potential pathways for the spread of HLB through citrus vascular systems-Supplemental

Identification of potential pathways for the spread of HLB through citrus vascular systems-Supplemental

Report Date: 08/22/2014
Project: 816   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Ed Etxeberria
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The overall objective of this project is to develop new girdling techniques capable of stopping or limiting the movement of CLas to the roots while allowing for normal phloem transport, thereby enabling young trees to be more tolerant to HLB in the field. Two sets of 25 trees previously girdled in a spiral pattern were allowed to recover and monitored for possible secondary effects of the girdling process. After determining that the trees were in good health condition, they were all challenged with 4 grafts of HLB infected tissue. These grafts were placed in precise locations in reference to the girdled area and were of 3 different types to ensure HLB transmission. The trees are now in the greenhouse and allowed to grow prior to testing on a quarterly manner. Six months after grafting, HLB- budded tissue continues to grow in all treatments, especially after spring flush. At this time (May 8, 2015), leaf samples were taken from the uninfected tree and sent for HLB analysis. This type of analysis will be conducted every three months. Meanwhile, all trees plus controls are being monitored for HLB symptoms.

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