Improving bactericide therapy for young tree protection and inoculum reduction

Improving bactericide therapy for young tree protection and inoculum reduction

Report Date: 03/12/2019
Project: 18-051c   Year: 2019
Author: Kirsten Pelz-Stelinski
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

During the past quarter, we have identified field sites, procured materials needed for the upcoming field trials, and finalized the experimental design for the trials that will take place over the next two years. These experiments will be conducted in three separate groves, one two commercial sites (young trees) and one research grove (mature trees) at the CREC. Trees in the study will receive insecticide treatments (6 application per year) consisting of a combination of soil-applied insecticides and foliar sprays. As a negative control, young trees will be enclosed in exclusion netting (�Tree Defender�) to prevent ACP feeding and Las inoculation. These trees will be compared to unenclosed trees treated with foliar applications of bactericides. Special permitting is not required to test any of the products used in this project. Treatments will be applied to trees as follows: 1) Fireline (oxytetracycline HCL), monthly application alternating with Firewall (streptomycin sulfate), semi-annual application of each product (4 total applications/yr); 2) Fireline (oxytetracycline HCL), monthly application alternating with Firewall (streptomycin sulfate), bi-monthly application of each product (6 total applications/yr); 3) negative control (insecticide + exclusion netting); and 4) positive control (insecticide only). All antimicrobial treatments will be applied at label rate with a recommended adjuvant. The initial treatment will be applied after bloom, during the spring flush in late March/early April.�

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