1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective 1: Using callose inhibitors to improve systemic uptake and reduce HLB symptoms.Objective 2: Maintaining water-saturated injection site: Sealed trunk injection ports that stay functional by avoiding woundresponses.Objective 3: Targeted root delivery.The field experiment initiated on sweet orange ~8 years old (Citrus x sinensis) trees. We selected and labeled treesaccording to 8 different treatments: (1) injected control (water), (2) Oxytetracycline (2 g per tree), (3) DDG (0.1 mM), (4)DDG (0.1mM) + Oxytetracycline (2 g per tree), (5) DDG (1mM), (6) 3AB (0.1mM), (7) 3AB (0.1mM) + Oxytetracycline (2 gper tree), (8) 3AB (1mM). Then we designed the appropriate map for the experiment. Before applying treatments,baseline stomatal conductance data and data related to trunk diameter, canopy volume and canopy density wascollected. Furthermore, six mature leaf samples per tree were collected to measure the CLas titer and quantify calloselevel of each tree. Then we employed the trunk injection (as described in (Vincent et al. 2022)). One week after applyingtreatments, we collected stomata conductance data to assess the treatment impact on leaf health. Leaf samples werecollected to measure the CLas titre and quantify the callose level of trees 1 and 2 weeks after treatments.We will evaluate the trees for callose level and Clas titre monthly. We will also measure the canopy volume and density,fruit drops via monthly data collection to determine the effect of injections on tree health. We will begin experiments for onobjectives 2 and 3. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:We will evaluate the trees for callose level and Clas titre monthly. We will also measure the canopy volume and density,fruit drops via monthly data collection to determine the effect of injections on tree health. We will begin experiments foron objectives 2 and 3. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):Underspend- since it took some time to initiate the work 4. Please show all potential commercialization products resulting from this research, and the status of each:We are still evaluating the effect of the callose inhibitor in the field trials