Insecticide resistance monitoring and management in Florida citrus to maintain sustainable control of Asian citrus psyllid within Citrus Health Management Areas (CHMAs)

Insecticide resistance monitoring and management in Florida citrus to maintain sustainable control of Asian citrus psyllid within Citrus Health Management Areas (CHMAs)

Report Date: 10/15/2015
Project: 15-038c   Year: 2015
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Lukasz Stelinski
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goals of this project are to: 1. Continue monitoring ACP field populations for insecticide susceptibility in Florida. 2. Develop a useful tool to improve monitoring for resistance and to make such monitoring quick and easy. 3. Refine and implement effective rotation schedules based on understanding what is taking place in the field and our understanding of the fundamental resistance mechanisms in ACP. This project has hit the ground running, although it has been barely initiated. I was able to hire an extremely qualified post-doc/toxicologist post-haste. He is already becoming familiar with all of our techniques and has begun working quite independently. We have already initiated goal 1 above and continue to find no evidence of significant resistance in the field for the third year running (likely due to effectiveness of CHMAs); however, our goal is to greatly expand our monitoring next year. Perhaps we will find pockets of resistance if we look on a finer scale. We have also already initiated work on goal 2 above. Dr. Chen is already developing prototype vial bioassays for quick, effective, and inexpensive monitoring of ACP resistance in the field. He is in the early stages of development.

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