1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:The project objectives are: 1.Evaluate existing transgenic Carrizo and Swingle AtNPR1 overexpressing rootstocks in the laboratory and greenhouse. 2. Conduct a replicated field trial with the best transgenic rootstocks budded with non-transgenic `Valencia’ and test for GMO gene products in the fruit or juice. 3. Produce additional transgenic rootstock lines and stack other gene(s) responsible for SAR using mature transformation. 4. Evaluate transgene segregation analyses of the rootstock progeny and large-scale propagation of select lines.We have continued on the evaluation of transgenic trees in the greenhouse and field. Trees in the greenhouse have been tested against HLB and Ct values have not significantly changed from the earlier sampling. We have detected lower Ct in some lines but the majority have remained similar to last sampling. Western blotting of several newer lines has been conducted to identify high expressing lines. Most transgenic lines with a stacked construct (NPR1 with other transgene) have been produced. AtNPR1 overexpressing seed source trees will be planted in field for production of seed as some have had to be rebudded due to failure of the bud union or tree mortality from Phytophthora infection. We have produced several trees to serve as interstocks and they will be evaluated in the next cycle 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: We will continue on our evaluation of the transgenic lines, propagate additional lines for evaluation and test the interstock trees against HLB. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): We are on track with the budget and have not overspent.