1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Valencia fruit was harvested on March 30.Irrespective of the dosage used, 400 or 800 ppm, trees that received 3 applications of both Fertizink and Nuzink (performed on 10/31, 1/05, and 2/12) increased yield by 53% as compared to untreated controls (215 Kg of fruit per 3 trees replicate as compared to 140 kg per three-tree replicate), and by 10% as compared to trees treated on the same dates with Zn sulfate, that was incorporated as a grower standard control. Brix was not significantly affected, but ratio was increased irrespective of the number of applications (around 11 as compared 9.7).We started analyzing auxin content in fruit flavedo. After three applications of both compounds, NuZn and FertiZn, auxin increased and concentration in flavedo remained high from November to March (14ng/mL as compared to 8 ng/mL). This fact may explain better retention of the fruit and less fruit drop, resulting in more yield. The fact that we e07182023xperienced hurricane Ian, that did not allow to have solid data on Hamlin, also influenced results in Valencia, but still, we see an increase in auxin levels after Zn treatments, and better fruit yield. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next year: Complete Hamlin trials, as they were affected by hurricane Ian.Second year of data in Valencia to confirm the effect we are seeing in yield increase.Finish IAA analysis in both Hamlin and Valencia.Elucidate if oxidative stress is alleviated by these Zn formulations.Closer assessment of quality.3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):Underspent due to initial delay in the subcontract process from UCF to UF. NCE for 3 month has been granted. Current status: About 90% completion of Year 1 objectives.Overall: About 35% completion of the proposed objectives for the duration 3 years.