1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The zinc formulations were obtained from TradeMark Nitrogen Inc. and Santra’s Lab to support this year’s field trial. Foliar sprays were applied every 6 weeks at two different rates (400 and 800 ppm Zn). The HLB severity was assessed visually, utilizing a severity scale (1 – 5), at the end of the season. Trials were conducted on both Hamlin and Valencia oranges. On one of trial sites, in summer 2023 untreated Hamlin trees mostly exhibited HLB symptoms rated 3 (52%) in the severity scale. All zinc treatements increased the number of trees rated as healthy (5), but NuZinc and FertiZink at 800 ppm Zn achieved 84% and 92% of trees rated as healthy (5), respectively. On the same site, Valencia trees demonstrated better health on average, with most trees were in the untreated control rated 4 in the greening scale (76%). Simlarly, all zinc treatments improved tree health, but NuZinc and FertiZink at 800 ppm Zn resulted in 96% of trees to be rated as healthy (5). On the other hand, Valencia and Hamilin treated with Zinc Sulfate at 800 ppm Zn only resulted in 32% and 40% healthy (5) trees, respectively. These results demonstrate that tree health is improved by foliar application of Zn and that particulate Zn fomulations improved tree health more than soluble Zn (Zinc Sulfate). Moreover, these results correlate with the crop yield, in which NuZinc and FertiZink at 800 ppm Zn, improved the average yield over the untreated control and Zinc Sulfate on Valencia in the past season. While for Hamlins only FertiZink at 800 ppm improved average yield over the control and Zinc Sulfate. Maintaining tree health is the key for sustained crop yield on HLB affected trees. These results need to be confirmed this season as the trial data obtained last season was impacted by the hurricane Ian. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: In the next quarter we will collect lab-based data to understand the difference in performance between particulate zinc (NuZinc and FertiZink) and Zinc Sulfate. Hamlin trees will be harvested in December-January. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): on track