Near-term approaches of using alternative HLB-tolerant cultivars for increased production
and improved juice quality

Near-term approaches of using alternative HLB-tolerant cultivars for increased production and improved juice quality

Report Date: 04/01/2020
Project: 19-024   Year: 2020
Category: Other
Author: Yu Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

   This project started on Nov. 1st, 2019. So, this is the first quarterly report (11/1/19-1/31/20). There are two objectives in this project. The progress of each objective is listed here: Objective 1. Evaluation of blended juice using released HLB-tolerant sweet orange/mandarin cultivars via analyses of sensory and consumer acceptance.   In November 2019, all PIs hired three students which has been budgeted for this project and discussed the details of protocols.  At the end of December 2019, Sugar Belle was harvested and in early January, Hamlin was harvested.  At the end of January, Sugar Belle and Hamlin were processed and pasteurized at CREC packing house. In February, we did the sensory and consumer study at both locations of Gainesville and Lake Alfred and in total we recruited about 150 panels.  All the tests were conducted based on what we proposed including understanding the demographic difference of consumers, sensory attributes of blended juice, consumer insight of marketing certain blends. we have been doing the data analyses in the second quarter and the results will be provided in the second quarterly report. In addition, shelf life study was also set up, which would take 6 months to get results. All the data such as brix, brix/acid and oil content was recorded.  Objective 2. Identify more tolerant cultivars resembling the quality of Valencia for the juice market, and identify a chemistry definition of consumer accepted orange flavor  We collected about 20 mandarin hybrids in November and December 2019 and these cultivars have been identified a great field performance. The trained sensory panel study was conducted in January, February and March 2020. In addition, we started the analytical study in February 2020.  Some results could be provided in the second quarterly report.           

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