Novel multi-metal systemic bactericide for HLB control

Novel multi-metal systemic bactericide for HLB control

Report Date: 12/20/2021
Project: 18-020   Year: 2021
Category: Other
Author: Swadeshmukul Santra
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Five multimetal bactericides containing Cu as a minor constiuent: Cu-ZnS, Cu-ZnO, MgCu-gel, TMN 113-MgSOL-Cu, and ZnBoric-Cu were evalauted against 3 respective controls MgSOL, ZnBoric, and Kocide. MgCu-gel was varied with regards to the Mg:Cu ratio in the 2021 canker trial to include four subtreatment groups MgCu 16:4, MgCu 16:3, MgCu 16:2, MgCu 16:1 in order to elucidate any effect(s) on observable canker control and yield.  All treatment groups experienced relatively low canker disease pressure at the trial site in 2021 where the untreated control group reported canker fruit lesion incidences (% of 100 fruit) of 0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 3.3, 4.8 and 5.7 in June, July, August, September, October, and November, respectively. The standard copper control (Kocide 3000) treatment group was observed to have a disease incidence of 2.1 in November (time of highest disease pressure in the trial for all treatment groups). All five mutlimetal treatment groups performed at a statistically similar level as compared to the Kocide copper control.  The MgCu treatment groups reported the lowest magnitude of canker incidence ranging from 0.5-0.7 (% per 100 fruit, november). All Mg:Cu copper ratios included in this years trial performed stiatiscally similar to each other with regards to canker incidence. Cu-ZnS, Cu-ZnO, TMN 113-MgSOL-Cu and ZnBoric-Cu performed statistically similar to the MgCu treatment groups at 0.7, 1.4, 0.8, and 0.8, respectively (% per 100 fruit, november). Although not statiscally different ZnBoric performed at a disease incidence of 1.1 and ZnBoric-Cu at 0.8 suggesting some improvement from the multi-metal combination as documented in prior field trials by Cu-ZnS, Cu-ZnO, etc. All experimental treatments signifcantly improved yield with respect to the untreated control. The untreated control group was observed to yield an average of 157 lbs/tree. The kocide copper standard control groups reported an average of 171 lbs/tree. Although not statsically different from the kocide control Cu-ZnO, TMN 113-MgSOL-Cu, and ZnBoric-Cu, and ZnBoric reported average yields of  202, 203, 189, and 207 lbs/tree, respectively. Cu-ZnS did outperform all meterials significantly with an observed yield of 229 lbs/tree in this years trial. All Mg:Cu ratios evaluted in the MgCu-gel subtreatment group promoted yields statistically similar to each other and the kocide control.                

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