1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:
Objective 1: Determine effects of lowered soil pH on CLas populations and root physiology including internal root apoplast and vascular tissue pH.
We got our experiment in rhizotrons completed in September 2023. Sample processing and data analysis is under way. Root tracing and quantification of root traits will be completed in the next quarter. We should get the data processed and published in the next quarter or immediately following project completion.
Objective 2: Field test multiple acidification materials including organic acids for tree response CLas suppression, nutrient uptake, and root and vascular pH changes. In this quarter, we continued root sampling and soil pH determinations and applied final round of the treatments. We also finalized canopy determinatiions for trees used for the study.
2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:
We will collect fruit yield and juice quality data in March/April 2024 to finalize objective 2 milestones.
We will get one article prepared and published in a refereed journal.
3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):
The budget is on track and meeting the project milestones.