Propagation of Rootstock Tree Production in Greenhouses by Seed, Stem Cuttings and Tissue Culture to Accelerate Budded Tree Production for Outplanting

Propagation of Rootstock Tree Production in Greenhouses by Seed, Stem Cuttings and Tissue Culture to Accelerate Budded Tree Production for Outplanting

Report Date: 10/31/2016
Project: 940C   Year: 2016
Category: Other
Author: Richard Beeson
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Tissue culture. The last experiment for hardening off tissue cultured plantlets was completed and summarized in the October report. Stem cuttings. On August 17, rootstock shoots of US812, US1281, US1282, US802, US1284, UFL2, UFL4 and X639 were offered by Alico for making cuttings. They were also made into single node cuttings and stuck using the 4000 ppm Dip&Gro. A total of 6,107 cuttings were made and stuck from these shoots. Some such as US812, had functional roots within 3 weeks. By late October, 5,229 cutting were determined to be rooted, a success rate of 85% overall. The poorest success rate was with USDA1284 at 29%. The success of most other varieties was around 90%.

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