1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Project # 21-025 focuses on developing HLB-resistant and other improved citrus cultivars to mitigate the devastating effects of HLB on the Florida citrus industry. The project utilizes transgenic and non-transgenic approaches, and all experiments are conducted at the secure field site of the USDA/ARS Picos Research Farm. The goal is to provide sustainable solutions to combat HLB, safeguard the citrus industry, and support economic citrus production.This quarter, the primary focus was on conducting field trials for promising HLB-resistant candidates from various collaborating institutions, including Texas A&M University, University of Florida, and USDA/ARS. Researchers continued to maintain and collect data from ongoing field trials, including monitoring CLas titer and HLB progression in the test trees. The test site received routine horticultural care, and trees were exposed to HLB and psyllid vectors to assess their resistance in a real-world environment. All BRS permits were upheld, and the site underwent inspections to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:Next quarter, the team will analyze the data collected from the current field trials to evaluate the efficacy of different HLB-resistant candidates. Researchers will continue to have access to the test site for data collection and analysis purposes. Any required adjustments or changes resulting from the observations will be managed individually without compromising the overall project objectives. If any candidates show promising results, they may be included in larger replicated trials for further validation. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):This quarter, there was an underspend of the allocated budget due to changes in PI and leadership at USHRL. The transition in personnel caused some disruptions in data collection and analysis for the ongoing field trials. However, the project team was able to adapt and allocate the remaining budget efficiently to maintain the test site and ensure the continued progress of the research. 4. Please show all potential commercialization products resulting from this research, and the status of each: The research has the potential to yield HLB-resistant transgenic and non-transgenic citrus cultivars suitable for commercial production. Some materials may be immediately suitable for commercial citrus production, while others may serve as breeding parents for further improvement. The data gathered from the field trials will guide recommendations for advancing materials to larger replicated trials, ensuring the development of commercially viable HLB-resistant citrus varieties.