Quarterly Report 5 (Due 12/31/2023)- Project # 21-025: Transgenic capable field site to assess HLB-resistant and other improved citrus

Quarterly Report 5 (Due 12/31/2023)- Project # 21-025: Transgenic capable field site to assess HLB-resistant and other improved citrus

Report Date: 12/25/2023
Project: Project # 21-025   Year: 2023
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Matthew Mattia
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:This quarter, Project #21-025 continued its focused efforts on developing HLB-resistant and improved citrus cultivars to combat the devastating effects of HLB on the Florida citrus industry. The goal remains to provide sustainable solutions to combat HLB, safeguard the citrus industry, and conduct resarch that supports economic citrus production. During this quarter, the primary emphasis was on data collecttion, progress on new BRS permitting and renewal of existing BRS permits. The permits were submitted are under review by BRS staff. There has been an exchange of emails throughtout the permit process and updates continue to be made as the permit continue through the pipeline for approval. In addition data was collected on USDA field material. Fruit and leaf samples were sent to Dr. Mou at UF for deeper analyisis.2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:We are expecting approval of the permits sent to USDA BRS any day now. These permits will allow for the continued research and evlauation of plant materials at this site. In addition, there is a new BRS permit to test new constructs developed by the Shatters group at USDA to approved for planting in the field. Upon permit approval propagation of these materilas will begin with the goal of planting in the fall of 2024 or spring of 20253. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):The project experienced a slight underspend primarily due to complications in hiring USDA personnel and historical underspend trends assoicated with this project. The 6 month extension granted by CRDF has allowed us to catch up on spend with the tehcnition The technition on this project is currently budgeted and continuously working on permitting assoicated improvment of this block for the USDA and cooperators.4. Please show all potential commercialization products resulting from this research, and the status of each:The project has shown promising results in identifying HLB-resistant transgenic citrus cultivars. Some of the candidate materials display a high likelihood of being suitable for commercial citrus production. These HLB-tolerant cultivars could become valuable assets to the citrus industry, providing a sustainable solution to combat the devastating impact of HLB. Other materials may serve as important breeding parents for further improvement in HLB resistance and other commercially significant traits. Materials from Dr. Mou’s trees were submitted to FL DPI, the first step towards commercialization as certified budwood. 

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